Alison Midstokke
"Beauty is different & different is Beauty."
BIBA (French Magainze)
July 08, 2016
Despite her facial deformities caused by a genetic disease, Alison Midstokke realized her dream of becoming a model. A fairy tale of modern times!
Recently, and like the Canadian model Winnie Harlow suffering from vitiligo, the world of fashion opens slowly but surely the difference. A young woman of 31 years across the Atlantic made it her credo: "the beauty is different, and the difference is part of the beauty," it said on its official website . This is Alison Midstokke, which recently achieved one of her most cherished dreams: to become a model. Nothing very original so far, except that it suffers from a rare genetic disease Treacher Collins syndrome, which affects the development of the bones of the face. (Translated.)